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The Development Of Agriculture In The United States

Agriculture is one of the oldest economic sectors of human endeavor. It covers all the regions of earth and has contributed largely to the economic progress of mankind. Agriculture is one of the major drivers of the economy of any country. Agriculture not only supports the economic activity of humans, but also of other living creatures like animals and plants. Agriculture has therefore played a vital role in the economic development of different countries throughout the history of mankind.

Biography: Agriculture is the word used for the science of growing plants and animals for consumption. In fact, agriculture refers to the manipulation of plants and animals for the production of food, fuels and other such materials. Agriculture is a vast multidisciplinary discipline which encompasses all the parts of economic, natural, social and scientific sciences which are used in the study and the application of agriculture. Agriculture professionals are generally known as agricultural scientists or agro-forestry scientists. Agriculture has been one of the most important pillars supporting the economic development of different countries in all history.

Agriculture deals with the management of the human and physical resources by using the techniques and skills of science, technology and education. Agriculture involves planting, cultivating, harvesting, protecting, marketing and storage of food grains, livestock, plants and seeds. Agriculture also involves the use of biological resources such as air, water, land, fertilizers, manure and compost. The major products of agriculture are vegetables, fruits, cereals, poultry and eggs.

Agriculture plays an important role in the supply of rural communities with essential agricultural products. It is an area where communities interact to share resources, information and methods of production and farming. Agriculture not only provides food, fuel and other forms of livelihood for local people, but also plays an important role in national security. Agriculture produces goods that make communities independent and self sufficient. Agriculture supports economic growth, social stability and development, while at the same time reducing the influence of consumers on the environment. By conserving energy, land and water, agriculture helps in environmental pollution and degradation.

In the process of cultivating crops, animals are usually fed with animal products. Animals have been domesticated since the beginning of agriculture. Agriculture uses the services and products of animals to feed humans, animals and the entire planet. A large portion of the food supply is made up of crops that are fed to livestock. Livestock in turn feed cattle, horses, donkeys, sheep and hogs.

Agriculture is a complex and interrelated science with great significance to mankind’s well being. Agriculture produces food, fuel, chemicals and other forms of agricultural products that help ensure the economic well-being of a country. By conserving the land, farmers are able to increase crop production, increase income levels and decrease poverty rates. In addition, agricultural products such as dairy products, wool, sugarcane and tea have immense social benefits.

The development of agronomy has resulted in many new and improved livestock products such as poultry, sheep and goat. These animals have helped in the development of modern veterinary science by helping to create artificial intelligence. Livestock farming also contributes to the Green Belt environment, which aims to make the world a better place for future generations. The principles of agriculture and agronomy are essential for the sustainability of ecosystems, biodiversity, food and water security, community health and well-being, innovation and growth of countries and their cities.

The nineteenth century witnessed major transformations in agriculture across the United States and in particular in the Midwest. The Great Depression of the late 18th century created a crucial change in the way Americans looked at agriculture. The economic hardships combined with the desire for an immediate return on their hard-earned money prompted farmers to abandon their lands and go to work on farms. For the first time in its history, the United States stood virtually alone in the global agricultural trade as European powers ceded their farms to the growing markets of America.